Putting Ethics into Practice

CPD Hours: 1 | Ethics Hours: 1
Member Price: $99.00
Non-member Price: $110.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!



Ethics is a fundamental pillar of the profession and essential to being in public practice. CPAs are known for integrity and reliability and a strong practitioner is valued by their clients. It is critical to protect that reputation. This verifiable ethics CPD course will help practitioners better understand ethics and its impact on being in public practice. We make decisions on a daily basis; some have little impact on us and some have a significant impact.

The course reviews various ethical decision-making frameworks and how they can be put into use in all engagements. Recognizing biases and how they impact our decisions is another aspect of ethics that further enhances our ability to make the right decision. Through practical guidance, illustrative examples and real-life examples, this course will help you put ethics into practice.

Ethics is fundamental to being in public practice and it is important to understand concepts, have an ethical decision-making process and identify biases to strengthen your practice.



Course Content:

In this course, you will gain knowledge about the following topics:

  • Ethics 
  • Code of Conduct


Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe ethics and what it means to public practice
  • Discuss the differences in ethical decision-making frameworks
  • Understand how biases come into play in the decision-making process
  • Become familiar with the Code of Professional Conduct and the rules that guide the profession
  • Identify potential independence threats and establish and implement appropriate safeguards to be put in place
  • Build a stronger ethical culture


Who Will Benefit: 

 Practitioners at all levels would benefit from this course. 

Member Price: $99.00
Non-member Price: $110.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!