Professional Ethics: Critical Thinking and Psychological Safety
Non-member Price: $174.00
Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!
Ethics is vital to creating a positive organizational culture to ensure positive and appropriate critical thinking and decision making while creating a psychologically safe environment.
This on-demand course includes:
- Professional Ethics – A Theranos Story
- Professional Ethics – Improving Psychological Safety
This first course “Professional Ethics – A Theranos Story” introduces a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to an ethical decision-making framework. This course examines specific areas of the CPA code of professional conduct (“code”) and uses case studies to highlight key learning objectives. Finally, we will explore current events relevant to the professional to understand how to apply lessons learned to deepen our ethical decision-making framework.
The course will also explore current events relevant to the professional to understand how to apply lessons learned to deepen our ethical decision-making framework.
The second course “Professional Ethics – Improving Psychological Safety” will examine current research to better understand psychological safety for organizations and teams. We will then introduce ways to assess and improve psychological safety for both organizations and teams.
Psychological safety is a belief that you are free to share your thoughts and not be punished for speaking your mind. It is an important area of research in the field of organizational behaviour. Current research has shown that organizations and teams with higher psychological safety are more productive, creative, and happier. Teams and organizations that have higher psychological safety make better ethical decisions. However, current research also shows that psychological safety is fragile within organizations and teams. Critical events such as new leadership, organizational strategy changes, and external situations (such as a pandemic) can adversely affect an organization's psychological safety.
Course Content:
You will gain knowledge about the following topics:
· What is psychological safety
· Psychological safety, ethics, and decision-making
· Benefits of improving psychological safety in the workplace
· Case Study - Cyberpunk 2077
· Interview with Megan Tong
· Psychological safety: assessment
· Improving psychological safety in the workplace
· Improving psychological safety in virtual meetings
· Communication and conclusion
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
· Understand how we make decisions using tools such as the Heinz dilemma
· Understand how our organizational culture affects our decision making process
· Apply a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to a relevant case study
· Understand what is meant by the term psychological safety
· Understand the importance of psychological safety to decision-making and ethics
· Identify the benefits of improving psychological safety within teams and organizations
· Explore examples of organizations with both high and low psychological safety
Who Will Benefit:
Organizations and individuals looking to increase team productivity, creativity, and ethical decision-making by improving psychological safety.
Non-member Price: $174.00
Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!