Professional Ethics: A Theranos Story

CPD Hours: 2 | Ethics Hours: 2

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Professional Ethics: A Theranos Story
Professional Ethics: A Theranos Story





    In this course, we will examine specific areas of the CPA code of professional conduct (“code”) and use case studies to highlight key learning objectives. This presentation will also introduce a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to an ethical decision-making framework. Finally, we will explore current events relevant to the professional to understand how to apply lessons learned to deepen our ethical decision-making framework. 
    The topic will also explore current events relevant to the professional to understand how to apply lessons learned to deepen our ethical decision-making framework. 


    Learning Objectives:

    • Understanding how we make decisions using tools such as the Heinz dilemma
    • Understanding how our organizational culture affects our decision-making process
    • Applying a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to a relevant case study 


    Who Will Benefit: 

    Accounting and finance professionals looking to understand the CPA Code of Professional Conduct and apply a critical thinking methodology using case studies.