Professional Ethics 1

CPD Hours: 2 | Ethics Hours: 2
Member Price: $99.00
Non-member Price: $110.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!



In this course, we will examine specific areas of the CPA code of professional conduct (“code”) and use case studies to highlight key learning objectives.  We will also introduce a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to an ethical decision-making framework.  Finally, we will explore current events relevant to the professional to understand how to apply lessons learned to deepen our ethical decision-making framework.



Course Content:

In this course you will gain knowledge about the following topics:

·         Course instructions and learning objectives

·         Introduction Part 1: The Heinz Dilemma

·         Introduction Part 2: Definition of Ethics

·         Introduction Part 3: Code of Conduct

·         Introduction Part 4: Agenda

·         Module 1: The firm, your team and you

·         Module 1(a): Designing an ethical organization

·         Module 1(b) The Trolley Problem

·         Module 1(c): Designing an ethical team

·         Module 1(d): The firm, your team and you (Self Assessment)

·         Module 2: A critical thinking methodology

·         Module 3: Technology and ethics

·         Qualified assessment of learning objectives

·         Course evaluation


Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Understanding how we make decisions using tools such as the Heinz dilemma
  • Understanding how our organizational culture affects our decision-making process
  • Applying a critical thinking methodology that will be applied to a relevant case study


Who Will Benefit: 

This course will benefit professionals looking to understand CPA Code of Professional Conduct and apply a critical thinking methodology using case studies.  

Member Price: $99.00
Non-member Price: $110.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!