Preventing Unethical Behaviour in the Workplace

CPD Hours: 1 | Ethics Hours: 1
Member Price: $71.00
Non-member Price: $78.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!



 This course focuses on the responsibilities of managers and directors in creating an ethical environment for their teams and departments. You will learn how to identify threats, red flags, and danger signs that may be putting your organization at risk, as well as indicators of widespread ethical misconduct that warrants immediate attention. Receive evidence-based, practical guidance on how to implement ethical safeguards in your workplace.



Course Content:

 In this course you will gain knowledge about the following topics:

·         State of ethics in Canadian workplaces

·         Ethical principles

·         Threats to ethical behaviour

·         Ethics risk analysis

·         High-risk behaviours and danger phrases

·         Indicators of widespread misconduct

·         Safeguards for implementation


Learning Objectives:

Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

·         Describe the director’s and management’s responsibilities for ethical behaviour

·         Identify high-risk behaviours that indicate underlying ethical issues

·         Identify indicators of widespread ethical misconduct in an organization

·         Assess an organization’s strengths and weaknesses using an ethics risk analysis

Describe how to implement accounting-specific and organization-wide safeguards


Who Will Benefit: 

 ·         This course is designed for CPA professionals in leadership roles where they are overseeing and managing employees, teams, or departments in their organization

·         This course is designed for leaders or aspiring leaders who want to promote an ethical workplace culture and prevent ethical breaches in their teams

Member Price: $71.00
Non-member Price: $78.00

Delivery Method: E-Learning
Available Now!