GST/HST - Specific Topics
For every rule, there are countless exceptions. There is no field to which this adage applies more aptly than accounting and tax. Failure to be aware of the complexities of the GST and HST can result in lost recovery opportunities or worse, large tax assessments. This course presents advanced GST/HST topics to enhance your knowledge about Canada’s value-added tax. Concepts related to the application and the recovery of GST/HST will also be discussed.
This course builds on the knowledge participants received during the GST/HST: The Fundamentals. It provides you with an overview of more important GST/HST concepts, definitions and identifies some important areas which are frequent sources of errors/assessments.
You will be exposed to various GST and HST topics and issues accompanied by relevant everyday examples. At the end of the day, you will have been exposed to an abundance of common GST/HST issues. This information will be extremely useful to CPAs, students and those who work with the GST and HST on a daily basis. It is a great overview of topics to reaffirm your knowledge of the GST/HST and receive an update on new and trending issues.
Course Content:
In this course, you will gain knowledge about the following topics:
- Review of important concepts
- Collection issues
- Common recovery issues
- Cross border issues
- Variety of issues
- Public sector bodies
- Introduction to financial services
- Status Indian transactions
- Audits, assessments, and director liability
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define and explain numerous terms and phrases used for GST/HST purposes
- Explain the importance of understanding the characterization of a supply
- Explain the correct recovery treatments for employees reimbursements and other cost recoveries
- Identify numerous areas of exposure for the non-collection of tax
- Describe common exposures related to taxable imports and exports
Who Will Benefit:
CPAs and students, practitioners to accountants in business/industry, and other advisors who want to obtain a greater understanding of the federal sales tax system in Canada. It will also be beneficial to those who deal with the GST andHST daily or those who would like a refresher and update of trending issues.