Ethical Leadership in an Age of AI

CPD Hours: 4 | Ethics Hours: 4

* Required Fields

Ethical Leadership in an Age of AI
Ethical Leadership in an Age of AI





    Advancements in artificial intelligence create strategic opportunities for organizations and raise unique ethical challenges for business leaders. CPAs have a leadership role to play in this era of disruptive technology.

    In this course, we’ll highlight recent advancements in AI and explore how it can be expected to change leadership roles. In particular, we’ll evaluate the ethical implications when facing challenging AI-related decisions, by framing these decisions in the context of the requirements of the CPA Rules of Professional Conduct.

    This interactive course will illustrate some of the recent advancements in AI and some of the expectations for the future. We’ll review key elements of frameworks being developed by organizations to design trust into the AI environment, and see how the principles in these frameworks relate to our CPA Code of Professional Conduct. Participants will work together to evaluate a variety of scenarios and explore the implications of AI technologies on our role as ethical leaders.



    Course Content:

    In this course you will gain knowledge about the following topics:

    • The current state of AI and where it is expected to go
    • Key ethics concerns and challenges for business leaders
    • Emerging principles and frameworks in ethical AI development
    • Decision-making in alignment with the CPA Rules of Professional Conduct
    • Relevant resources within and outside of the CPA profession



    Learning Objectives:

    Upon completing this course, you should be able to:

    • Identify the ethics-based issues and challenges related to AI technologies
    • Analyze how AI provides opportunities to support ethical decision-making in organizations
    • Evaluate the ethics dimensions of AI decisions and determine appropriate actions using a systematic approach


    Who Will Benefit: 

    CPAs in any role and in all levels of organizational decision-making who have an interest in the ethics elements of technology-related decisions.


    Testimonials from Past Attendees

    "Excellent course delivery and materials covered that left me knowing I needed to better understand my working environment i.e., really dig into the difference between AI, ML and NLP etc. so that I can be a more effective risk manager."  Deb Jefferson, CPA, CMA