Developing an Open Mindset for Greater Creativity, Problem Solving and Ease in Work and Life
Whether it is technology, work environments, societal norms or generational differences, we live in a world of change. To adapt and thrive in this world, we need to be flexible, agile, creative, and innovative. Yet, all too often we can find ourselves defending an old position, sticking to what we know, or being over-confident when what is required is for us to see new perspectives, possibilities and options.
The ability to accept the changes that are happening around us (rather than resist it or wish it were different), explore options outside of the norm, and find innovative ideas to our challenges not only produces better results, it also lowers our stress levels. Fighting for our opinion or belief is important in some situations, but all too often we rigidly (and often unconsciously) cling to our biases—pushing us into a fight or flight response. This is physically, emotionally and mentally draining and limits our creativity and ability to develop options.
This course will provide you with the understanding you need to adopt an open mindset and the tools and practices to help you be more flexible, agile, creative and innovative in your world.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this course you should be able to:
- Understand why an open mindset is needed in the world today and the consequences of a fixed or rigid mindset
- Understand why it is often against our nature to be open-minded
- Learn the mindset shift you need to make to be more open and flexible
- Be more aware of your biases and able to see past them, freeing you to make better choices
- Have the tools and practices you need to be more open, flexible and creative in the face of change
Who Will Benefit:
Anyone looking to adopt an open mindset to help you be more flexible in personal and professional settings.